Sunday, May 13, 2018

Pelajaran" di Pantai 13 Mei 2018

Lessons on the Beach

HEY ALLLL! Hopefully you've had a beautiful week!
Last night, Sister Mentari and I had NO IDEA where to go or what to do. The joys of whitewashing ;) Our janji fell through, and we said a prayer outside of MegaMall, asking Heavenly Father to guide us to people who would recieve a KItab Mormon. Our goal was to hand out two, and so we asked for His guidance.
The night went on, and after an hour of contacting on the seashore, no one was interested, and no one wanted to talk to us.. like at all..
We prayed again, asking for more guidance in who we needed to talk to.
We opened our eyes and the first family we saw, we decided to walk up to and talk to them. We stated why we were here in Manado, and we testified that Heavenly Father speaks to us through prophets. The conversation led into a lesson, and they asked if they could have the KItab Mormon!
After meeting that family, we walked a little further, and ran into a Bapa, who introduced us to his boss, and this Ibu was so interested in why we were here. That conversation also led into a lesson, and she also wanted a KItab Mormon!
At the end of the night, we felt very blessed and very thankful that the Lord guided us to meeting that family and that Ibu on the beach. It was the coolest experience to literally pray, teach, sing, and feel the Spirit with them right after meeting them 15 minutes before. 

It was a humbling experience for us to see how the Lord provides a way for His work to be done. Heavenly Father knows the truest desires of our hearts, and if we are willing to ask, and act, He will always always alwaysss provide a way.
Manado is a dream, and I never want this dream to end! 
I love you all, and HAPPPY MAMAS DAY! Can't wait to skype ya!!!
<3 Sister Ratu
fotos: distrik fam at the beach yayayaya! 
my heart feels at home since I am near the ocean :)

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